crumpled_up May 24, 2011 02:29
tv: chicago code, tv: house, rage, wtf is this?, hiei will send you to hell, kakashi will rip you to shreds, house: season 7, tv: lie to me
crumpled_up May 10, 2011 21:16
kakashi will rip you to shreds, zechs merquise will pwn you, rage, wtf is this?, hiei will send you to hell, tv: lie to me, ramblings of a fangirl
crumpled_up Sep 01, 2010 14:13
spoilers, hiei will send you to hell, tv: lie to me
crumpled_up Jul 31, 2010 01:18
anime: yu yu hakusho, keyword-2, hiei will send you to hell